Saturday, April 20, 2013

Evil Dead (2013) Sheet Music

You can always tell when a movie poster claims that said movie is “the most terrifying movie you’ll ever see” that it will not be remotely scary and this is 100% the case. At no point in this movie does anything scary or creepy happen; there is also zero tension. There is however buckets of blood and some rather imaginative gore. Frankly by the end I just stopped caring… actually I never cared from the start.
First of all, I actually have no problem with this remake because it isn’t really a remake, the characters and the story are a little different; there are nods to the original which were nice and not over done too. My main gripe with this movie is the bland characters; I didn’t care about any of them and I couldn’t even tell you any of their names. In the original Evil Dead, Ash played by Bruce Campbell became a true icon of horror and he was just such a likable protagonist you had a blast along with him.
The original movie was cheap and the effects were crap but that was part of the charm. It was little moments which I loved like the bench banging against the cabin in a creepy fashion and the girl suddenly saying the cards as she is slowly revealed to be possessed. That scene messed me up for life but there isn’t anything like that in this movie. Don’t get me wrong, I don’t want to see the same movie but I do want to care about the characters and to actually have even a small measure of tension would be nice too.
I did love the music score though which was atmospheric and gets really epic and choral in the blood drenched finale. Oh.. and the finale, the REAL finale after the end credits, earns the movie an extra star. That was a stroke of genius and really lifted the film for me.
It’s kinda bad how desensitized you can get to violence; all of this horrific stuff is happening on screen and I found myself bored; all the gore in the world doesn’t mean shit if the bland leads aren’t likable. The performances were OK but there was nothing memorable about the dialogue and it was generally pretty forgettable.
Overall, I had no expectations for this movie and went in with an open mind so I can’t say I was disappointed. It has buckets of gore, a decent score and the best post credits sequence in years. Gorehounds will love it.
***Download sheet music for  Evil Dead (2013). Choose from sheet music for such popular songs***

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